Wednesday, June 3, 2015

poppy sandals

As a writer, I'm all about the words. But I can't deny the power of a picture. I've been writing about my style and the products I love for three years; I thought it was time to start showing you. I enjoy reading blogs so much more when I know the personality behind the "pen," so I hope that's what you gain from this, too—and that you feel like you know me a little bit better!

I'm definitely no natural in front of the camera (my license pictures prove it), but I had a ton of fun taking these in Linden Hills! It was a BEAUtiful night (though the humidity had some fun with my hair)—and a mandarin chocolate chip cone from Sebastian Joe's was just the thing to have on hand.

Pairing a powder blue halter with patent poppy sandals is my first attempt at inspiring you to use what's already in your closet in unique ways to maximize wearability (and save some moolah!). Even though some deals are tempting (hello $30 Old Navy overalls), I don't like to spend on stuff I really don't need. That might mean my closet is slightly slimmer than the next girl's, but with some creative styling, you can still slay it.

I think it's instinct to coordinate a loud color like red with a "quiet" white or black—which works!—but going the unexpected route with powder blue (or chartreuse or soft pink!) is so much more fun and original. These bold sandals see as much street time as my nude wedges—so practical—and give everyday basics like blue jeans an easy, sassy lift.

J.Crew silk cami (old—similar) | Madewell jeans | Boden sandals (old—similar here and here)
fingers: Essie Ballet Slippers | toes: Deborah Lippmann Blue Orchid | Shopbop ring (old—similar)


  1. Dig the powder blue/poppy combination. All of the photos look great, but the last one is my favorite. : )
