Monday, December 16, 2013

let's move and shake

I FINALLY picked up "Devil in the White City" this weekend and am passing on a little motivation from the first few pages (couldn’t we all use it on a Monday?). Burnham, an architect behind the 1893 world’s fair, was often overhead urging, “Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood.” The spirit to build from stock yards something that could upstage the Eiffel Tower is inspiring to say the least. It’s easy to take for granted that what we’ve always known always was. But at some point, someone made it so, and it’s fascinating to travel back to when Chicago was just sprouting. Erecting skyscrapers isn’t in my future, but we can all live ambitiously. And what are we if we don't? I’m not one to sit tight if something doesn’t feel right, or I don’t feel full. So. Let’s all reach for the highest rung, and take in all there is to take – if not for ourselves, then for those who will read the poems, hear the lectures, eat the meals and see the monuments we create. This post goes out to Alyssa who is making just such grand plans and starting a new job in Sin City two weeks from today! Good luck lady (and get my beach chair ready)! 

1 comment:

  1. so cute! we'll miss you Alyssa! such exciting adventures (and future visits!) ahead! xx - j
